It has become apparent, through information presented at a recent conference for Manufacturing Skills, that parents of students have taken an active role in supporting and procuring training and certificate qualifications for apprentices.

This is a significant cultural departure from days gone by when parents knew little of the apprenticeship scheme, unless they were former graduates or participants, and that students (their children) were left to their own devices to manage their own cadetship/indentured arrangements/livelihoods.  Far be it now for parents not to have a firm grasp of the inner workings of the OP system, QCS examiniations, school-based traineeships, or even a dotted line to the Group Training Organisation.

It is clear to the writer that where students were hurried out the door to make their own way in the world and start earning a living, parents are more active in ensuring that their child is secure in a role and helped on their way.  So how does this manifest in workplace behaviour?  Is this the foundation of the differences between generation X and Y?

Gone are the days when young people wouldn’t be seen dead with their parents in tow to a job interview, or a college exam.  Now mum and dad are into bat to negotiate a better mark on an assignment.

It’s not certain that this will make for a better, more productive or sustainable workforce, but it is certain that some employers will be reluctant to tangle with kids toting their own minders, I’m sure.